Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thank God For Broken Windows!

Originally Posted 2/9/07
Well, it was just a matter of time..................
A few days ago, I had to drop something off at a friend's house. Mind you, my friend's kids and my kiddos are great friends. Anyway, we get to the house of my good friend, and I tell my children (stern voice) "Stay in your seats. Do not unbuckle." You can start laughing now.
As soon as I got to the door, previously mentioned good friend's children head out to the van to talk to my kids. ALL of my children unbuckle and leave the vehicle. My youngest, good boy that he is, remembers to lock the van when he gets out. The vehicle is still running. With a full tank of gas.
Good friend's son comes inside, laughing, to inform me of these events. I roll my eyes and head outside to pretend I'm in control of this situation.
Background information: a few months ago, we were out running errands (with same friend's son in tow), we turned a corner, and the side window FELL OFF the van into the street. It didn't break, it just fell off. It's not the first thing to fall off the van, so we loaded it up and Brandon reattached it somehow.
Back to the locked van: my friend & I were able to pry the side window off enough to unlock the doors. Some loctite & duct tape, and we were on our way. The kids spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the garage, in case it rained and I had to put the van in the garage.
The moral of this story: When the window falls off your van, be thankful. You may need to pry it off again later.