Sunday, August 31, 2008

My New Personal Assistant & Bathroom Entertainment

Originally Posted 7/29/07
Before I tell my story, I have put in a quick plug for my favorite radio station-KLTY. If you're not close, you can listen at It is hands down the best radio station around, and you absolutely can't be in a bad mood for very long while listening.
Anyway..............on to the story. Gideon has made himself my personal assistant. He follows me everywhere, and is never quiet. If I am moving, there is a steady stream of chatter behind me. If I am still, the chatter moves into my lap. The chatter consists of many questions, stories & songs.
A few days ago, I was discussing with Brandon how Satan lies to people. He constantly whispers in your ear-"You're no good. You've done this & that, you might as well give up, blah, blah, blah." If you don't have the voice of Truth to counteract Satan's lies, they can grow distracting, annoying, and in some cases, literally drive you insane. Anyway, Gideon was listening to this conversation. He made it his job for the rest of the day to climb in my lap and whisper "I love you" in my ear. God is so good.
Another of my assistant's jobs is bathroom entertainment. Since he is past the age where he can accompany me to the bathroom, he makes it his job to stand outside the door. He sings, tells stories, and generally does all he can to make sure that (a) I'm still there, (b) I haven't forgotten he's there, and (c) make sure I don't stay in the bathroom too long. Sometimes I can see his little fingers (or toes) under the door, and sometimes he passes toys under the door, just to make sure I don't get bored.
Best of all is song time. Here is the song he made up for me today. "My beautiful Mommy, she is so beautiful, and I love her. Ketchup man, ketchup man, ketchup man, ketchup man!" I kid you not, the last note (complete with jazz hands), was a full 8 measures. That's my boy!
I know this fascination with Mommy will pass, so I'm trying to take it for all it's worth. God has granted me precious time with these little guys, and I don't want to waste a minute. It reminded me of a song I dearly love. Here are the lyrics-
Remember me In a Bible cracked and faded by the years Remember me In a santuary filled with silent prayers
CHORUS:And age to age And heart to heart Bound by grace and peace Child of wonder, Child of God I'll remember you Remember Me
Remember me When the color of the sunset fills the sky Remember me When you pray and the tears of joy fall from your eyes
Remember me When the children leave their Sunday school with smiles Remember me When they're old enough to teach Old enough to preach Old enough to leave
Age to age and heart to heart Child of wonder child of God
Remember me
Age to age and heart to heart Child of wonder child of God