Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saying Good-bye to my Paul or Time Out! Who ordered this?!?

Originally Posted 2/1/08

There have been many times in my life when I have been blind-sided by an attack. But this here, this is just dirty pool, mister. I guess no one ever accused satan of playing fair, right?
Bill Banks was a man whom I admired more than just about any man on the planet. He was my Teacher, with a capital T. If I was Timothy, he would be Paul. Do you see what I'm saying here? (If you don't know about Paul & Timothy, look it up-Acts & 1 & 2 Timothy-New Testament).
He loaned me many, many books. Gave me my first study Bible. Gave me my first concordance. Taught me how to study Greek & Hebrew. Taught me to study the Bible on my own. Encouraged me to try to pay attention, in case he made a mistake. (I only caught him one time). He told me sayings that I teach to my children now.
"It is never wrong to do a right thing, and it is never right to do a wrong thing."
He had a beautiful voice, and he took me to sing with him. If he & Arlan were singing, I could go sing too. And that was great. He made me a part of his family, even though, I was (and still am) super annoying. I saw a spiritual leader in him, and I learned how a Christian marriage & a Christian family are supposed to operate.
Not only did this man teach thousands of people about God, he also overcame alcoholism, health problems, and things that most people only read about in books.
He baptized Brandon, baptized Marvin, and was the minister at my wedding. He preached Marvin's funeral, and I was hoping he would be here to preach mine.
I will miss his intelligence, his sense of humor, his love of the Truth, his correction, his voice and even his handwriting.
When I would come to worship, he would open the door, greet me with a hug, and say, "Come in this house." I imagine that's what God said to him this morning.
Meanwhile, a lot of Timothys are left without their Paul.