Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Cage

Originally posted 10/26/06

The Cage

Once there was a cage. Inside the cage was an adorable little boy. A little boy with blond hair, whose blue eyes sparkled when he laughed.

Outside the cage were two terrible monsters. Their names were Addiction and Depression. They made it their job to torment the boy. Their master was Satan, and they were cruel and relentless.

Long ago, Addiction had lured the boy into the cage with promises of peace and fulfillment. Once the boy was secured in the cage, Depression began his evil work. He constantly whispered lies in the boy's ear. The voice became so distracting that the boy could no longer hear the voice of Truth calling to him. And the little boy cried.

Throughout the long years of his imprisonment, many warriors of Light came to the boy's aid, but they could only offer comfort. They could not free the boy from the cage.

The boy held in his hand a golden key. It was given to him long ago, by the great King of Light. He could have been free at any time, if only he had reached for the key. But he dared not. The monsters were too terrible, and he was afraid.

After a long time, the little boy became accustomed to the cage and its perils. Although he longed for freedom, his spirit was tired, and he stopped trying to escape. So deep was his despair, that he only saw one choice-to extinguish the tiny light placed in his heart by the King long ago.

After the light went out, the monsters and their master were delighted. They began to look about for another little one to lure into their cage.

Suddenly, Truth, Son of the Great King, appeared. Light radiated from Him, and He held in his hand a golden key. The monsters shuddered in fear, and tried to shield themselves from the Light. The Truth banished the monsters, and unlocked the door of the cage.

The Son of the King remembered how the boy had been deceived by the monsters. He remembered how the noise of the whispering monster had tormented the boy. He remembered how sick the boy had become. And he remembered the smiling boy with the twinkling blue eyes.

He cradled the boy in His arms, and carried him away to a safe place. The boy rested in the care of the Truth, patiently awaiting the great Day, when all the monsters and their master would be destroyed forever.

"And the LORD hath given him rest from all his enemies." 2 Samuel 7:1