Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Journey Chronicles: Day Two: The Lake and The Millpond

Originally Posted 1/27/08

The Lake-I have played in it, fished in it, waded in it, swam in it, literally stayed all day in it more times than I can count. When I see it, I really feel like I'm home.
When I was little, it was very nearly in our back yard. We used to sneak back & watch a family of beavers that lived in a quiet part of the lake. We never got to watch them for very long. One of them would always hear us, and slap his tail on the water to warn the others.
I feel an emotional connection to the water and the rolling hills surrounding it. Is it only people from the little towns around it that feel this way? If you're from my part of the world, you know what I'm talking about.
More importantly, the millpond. I am sitting in a room full of hurting people. Their lives have been churned up, and waves are crashing around them. The waves are unrelenting-"Four weeks." "Double its size every 30 days." "It's in the brain now."
In the center of this room, lies the millpond. Amidst the storm, she is the picture of serenity. Although in pain, she comforts others. I tell her, "Don't sit here for me. Go to bed." She says, "I'm where I need to be." When the bad news comes, you can see peace in her face. The enemy will not conquer her. He doesn't even stir her soul.
I am in the presence of greatness.