Friday, December 19, 2008

Kid Quotes 5

Scene: Hannah is reading ingredients for maple syrup from a cookbook.

Mom-"Wouldn't it be easier to go buy syrup?"

Hannah-"You have to learn to make things on your own. That way you don't have to depend on the economy."

Mom-"Did you hear that from us or TV?"

Hannah-"News. They show a lot of crazy things while you're waiting for the weather."

Scene: Gabriel is getting ready for basketball practice.

Mom-"Are you excited about basketball?"

Gabriel-"Duh. I got mad skills."

Scene: Samuel is in Dad's lap, inspecting him for some kind of imaginary job.

Samuel-"No dirt, moustache, not too much bald spot, unibrow. You're hired. I like you kind of people."

Scene: Family in the living room, watching TV. All is quiet.

Gideon-(shouting) "Can't you make those Christmas lights stop flashing?!? They're driving me nuts!"

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kid Quotes 4

Hannah-"I can't remember all these stinkin' Caesars. I'm just gonna call them the Salad Family."

(Mom walks into the room to tuck Samuel into bed. The blankets are arranged into a rounded structure with walls.)
Mom-"What is that, a nest?"
Samuel-"No, it's my fortress."
Mom-"Oh, ok. Do you really need a fortress for sleeping?"
Samuel-"It's my fortress of solitude."

(With Christmas approaching, Gabriel is trying to learn to wrap his own gifts. Wrapping them is not a problem. Making the packages look like the ones on TV is a constant source of frustration.)
Gabriel-"I can't get this right! The stupid tape keeps getting messed up!"
Mom-"Keep trying. Here-I'll fix the tape for you."
Gabriel-(sigh) "Can't you wrap a Christmas present without all this chaos?"

Dad-"Is forklift one word or two?"
Gideon-"Where did it go?"
Mom-"Where did what go?"
Gideon-"His fork. When it left, where did it go?"

Monday, December 8, 2008


Strange how living with a volcano can force you to walk on eggshells.
I wish so many things now, but most of all, I wish I had understood in time. In reality, I gained my understanding too late-in a letter.
What we really needed, I think, was the bomb squad. There was so much inside-so much pain and anger-with no pressure valve. I know that scared you. It scared me too. What would have happened if you had opened up? Could it be contained? Would it be worth the risk of injury?
Such a fragile situation. Sometimes it seems better to keep the cap on it in the effort to keep everything contained. Stay calm and detached. Self medicate until you can't feel anymore, and most of all, don't let anything push you too far.
Unfortunately, the volcano can't stand the pressure forever. Even when the volcano implodes on itself, there is collateral damage.
I am so sorry, baby brother, that I understood too late. I'm sorry I couldn't make the pain go away. I would've taken it for you if I could. I'm sorry that all the things I knew to do weren't what you needed. Most of all, I'm sorry you're not here.
I love you, and I will miss you forever.